A downloadable game

If you experience motion sickness, read the paragraph below, if nothing else, before playing. If you don't experience motion sickness, feel free to skip to below the bar.

I am unsure if this game would cause problems for people who experience motion sickness, but there is a section where the camera spends a few seconds rotating forwards such that it would now be looking straight down on the ground, and then soon after that is done, the player waterdroplet falls. I don't necessarily know a ton about motion sickness, but I felt I should warn people of this part of the game just in case this game could affect people. 

If this game would trigger your motion sickness, or make anything else like this flare up for you, please feel free to let me know, though you are not under any obligation to.


You are a raindroplet on the mysterious alien planet known as P9. Absorb as much water as you can, and fall from the sky, causing as much damage from weathering as you can in the harsh non-Earth physics that exist on planet P9. But try not to get absorbed yourself by any of the other waterdroplets.


-Drag and drop section: left mouse button -> click and drag other rain droplets to or away from you

-Falling section: WASD -> move forward and/or sideways

-Falling section: left mouse button -> make the rain droplet contort to be more aerodynamic and fall faster

Credits/assets I used:

- game design, programming, water droplets, terrain, terrain textures: me

- Sounds: Water splash.wav by speedygonzo: https://freesound.org/people/speedygonzo/sounds/235725/

- music: Energetic EDM - specifically In Our Nature by Cathran: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/audio/music/electronic/energetic-edm-14678...

- Clouds: Simple cloud system by Rispat Momit: https://assetstore.unity.com/packages/2d/textures-materials/sky/simple-cloud-sys...

Other assets I was thinking of using, aren't featured in the final product, but may be in the files (I am unsure what the right thing to do for crediting people in this case is, but I decided it's worth crediting them here)

- Pixel Art Semi-Realistic Clouds by Artisan: https://artisan-studio.itch.io/2d-pixel-art-semi-realistic-clouds

- Weather particle sprites by GAMES - ASSETS - SOFTWARE: https://e-wouters.itch.io/weather-particle-sprites

-  Cloudy Background by FuzzyButtGaming: https://fuzzybuttgaming.itch.io/cloudy-background

Known issues:

This game took me a lot more effort than I thought it would, and there are still some issues that exist - flickering while falling, and jittering during the drag and drop section of the game. On top of this, it's kind of difficult to tell how many water droplets are actually in each water droplet. If there are any other issues or bugs you notice, please let me know.

Please also let me know if you had fun playing this game and if it's worth expanding on its mechanics after the jam is over. I'm considering adding to this game and turning it into a portfolio piece (if I do expand upon it), but because of how difficult I found this game to make and my tendency to be one of my own worst critics, I would like some external perspectives on whether or not this game might be worth expanding upon. 


PrecipitatingOnPlanetP9.zip 43 MB

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